Avernum Series Wiki

Tower of Magi was a town located in Avernum.

It was a home to many mages and a priest,who could teach the player many valuable spells,including Mass Healing,Mass Curing and Lightning Spray (Avernum 1/Escape From The PIt).

It suffered two major explosions.

In Avernum: Escape From The Pit the explosion caused the arrival of a Demon Lord,known as Adze-Haakai,who was defeated not long after by Hawthorne's Assassins.

In Avernum 3,the explosion also destroyed the tower,leading to its end.The disaster was caused by a portal in the center of the tower,from which Grah-Hoth spawned his demonic minions and destroyed it.

Both disasters were caused by Linda-former member of the Triad,who died after the portal was sealed by a group of adventurers,due to the fact that her soul was keeping it intact.

Years later,the Tower Colony was built over its ruins.
